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June 18, 2019

Quartz vs Granite



At Capital Homes, we pride ourselves on offering quality, time-tested standard selections in our homes, while also providing various upgrade options for homeowners who want to add a certain something extra to their design.  

Our standard option for kitchen counters is classic granite. With several different standard granite options, it’s easy to design a beautiful kitchen and keep costs as low as possible. If desired, buyers can upgrade their granite to achieve a refined style with a certain colors and certain textures such as speckling or marbling. Each slab of granite is unique to itself. One upgrade that has spiked in popularity in the past year, though, is quartz, which comes in a variety of colors and styles.  

Both granite and quartz are very durable, but quartz has been increasingly desired for its clean, modern look and for its non-porous surface, which means it’s easy to disinfect. Bacteria simply cannot hide in quartz the way it can in other surfaces - a definite win for the kitchen! 

Although quartz is nearly indestructible, it can be damaged by excessive heat - so use a trivet when setting down hot pans.

Both granite and quartz come in a variety of colors, so finding the perfect shade to coordinate with the rest of your kitchen is no problem. With various options for both, each kitchen we build is unique and beautiful!